Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Keep the color

Now that days are turning colder and University is every day a bit more stressful,  it's important to keep our selves optimistic and save the color in our outfits. If the sun it's not here to make everything shine, we have to manage to keep the bright vision of the world!

And, after all, THE color. Mixed with basics for a casual outfit, nothing complicated, for a afternoon with friends lying in any of the amazings bars of the Raval!





Red pants and Silk blouse: Zara
Levis jacket, Neckerchief, Bag, Watch and Ring: Vintage
Shoes: Victorias

1 comment:

  1. Nuria! soc la Laura Vila :)
    Estic fent práctiques amb una noia que te una marca, Verónica Miranda. i ella fa complements de moda, vestits de núvia i de festa a mida :)
    Estem començant en el món dels blogs... :P Aviam si et pases a fer una ulladeta :D i també tenim un grup al facebook :D

    petonetssssss :)


Thanks for your time! :)